PlasticBusters Pledge to reduce plastic pollution
Take the pledge to support the reduction of plastic pollution by doing your best to eliminate single-use plastics and to practice the 10 R’s of Sustainability (REfuse, REduce, REuse, REpair, REfurbish, REmanufacture, REpurpose, REcycle, REcover, and RE-mine). Join a group of over 1,000 individuals, businesses and organisations that have already taken the pledge, and become our official Ambassador!.
For more information click here
And for every business/organisation taking the pledge, PlasticBusters will be planting a tree in collaboration with Forest Wide Limited.
Come join us by filling the form below. The more we are the greater difference we can make!
Above, some of the businesses and organisations that have taken the pledge.
Meet the businesses and organisations that have taken the pledge:
IoD Isle of Man Branch
The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5), held in Busan, Korea, brought over 3,300 participants to tackle plastic pollution. While progress was made, debates over binding measures and transparency highlighted deep divisions. Advocacy groups demand stronger commitments as the world waits for the next session to shape a transformative treaty.