Protecting our natural habitats by eradicating plastic litter.
This is how…
Promoting Litter Picking Activities
At PlasticBusters we believe that the best way of reducing the plastic waste existing in our environment is to engage in litter picking activities, individually or in a group, We currently have a group of over 4,000 volunteers in over 100 countries, engaged through our social media platforms, many of which regularly participate in this type of activities.
Educating Our Communities
We consider that in order to tackle the challenge of reducing the amount of plastic being thrown every year into our ecosystems, we need to start working ‘at the source’. This means to proactively educate both our members and our communities to ensure plastics are Refused, Reduced, Reused, Repurposed, and Recycled!
Collaborating With Key Stakeholders
We are developing strong relationships with a variety of entities both in the private and public sectors, as well as other non-governmental organizations. We work together with them to find ways of collaborating towards the reduction of plastic waste. We are Partners of the UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man project.
The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5), held in Busan, Korea, brought over 3,300 participants to tackle plastic pollution. While progress was made, debates over binding measures and transparency highlighted deep divisions. Advocacy groups demand stronger commitments as the world waits for the next session to shape a transformative treaty.