Protecting our natural habitats by eradicating plastic litter.
This is how…
Promoting Litter Picking Activities
At PlasticBusters we believe that the best way of reducing the plastic waste existing in our environment is to engage in litter picking activities, individually or in a group, We currently have a group of over 4,000 volunteers in over 100 countries, engaged through our social media platforms, many of which regularly participate in this type of activities.
Educating Our Communities
We consider that in order to tackle the challenge of reducing the amount of plastic being thrown every year into our ecosystems, we need to start working ‘at the source’. This means to proactively educate both our members and our communities to ensure plastics are Refused, Reduced, Reused, Repurposed, and Recycled!
Collaborating With Key Stakeholders
We are developing strong relationships with a variety of entities both in the private and public sectors, as well as other non-governmental organizations. We work together with them to find ways of collaborating towards the reduction of plastic waste. We are Partners of the UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man project.
Our latest news…
In the media
Isle of Man Today
Get involved with World Cleanup Day. PlasticBusters and Beach Buddies Join Forces…
Canal Extremadura Radio
PlasticBusters COO talks to Canal Extremadura (Spain)
January 2022
El Diario de Sevilla
Apadrina un mundo sin plásticos
January 2022
El Español - treintayseis
PlasticBusters interviewed about the ‘AdoptTheWorld’ Initiative (in Spanish).
Entrevista a PlasticBusters sobre la iniciativa ‘AdoptaElMundo’
January 2022
The Examiner
Modus Architects is interviewed about the PlasticBusters Pledge to Reduce Plastic Pollution
January 2022
Trece TV
PlasticBusters’ founder interviewed on the AdoptTheWorld initiative
December 2021
La Provincia, Diario de Las Palmas
The Boy That Adopted el Barranco Real
April 2021
Handy Shipping Guide
New Pollution Mapping App Trialled on Beach Clean Up After Storm
March 2021
Manx Courier
550kg of Rubbish Collected in 90 Minutes
March 2021
Gef The Mongoose
Beach Buddies and PlasticBusters Form Supergroup
March 2021
3FM News
PlasticBusters - keeping the Island clean, one bottle at a time
February 2021
CleanUp Your Community with Adopt-a-Place
February 2021
BBC News
Covid Isle of Man: Litter warning issued over discarded face masks
January 2021
Manx Independent
Adopt a place and help keep it plastic free
January 2021
UNESCO Biosphere Newsletter
Call from group to Adopt-A-Place and keep it litter-free
January 2021
Manx Radio News
Public urged to dispose of single-use PPE responsibly
January 2021
Isle of Man Government News
Public asked to dispose of single-use face coverings responsibly
January 2021
Nurture nature and banish plastic litter by adopting your favourite place
January 2021
Gef The Mongoose
Will You Take The Pledge
December 2020
UNESCO Biosphere Newsletter
Don’t mess up the Isle of Man, says Environment Minister
October 2020
Business 365
PlasticBuster’s initiatives to remove plastic litter praised by Isle of Man Government
July 2020
Energy FM
Devastating impact of plastic pollution on wildlife
June 2020
Manx Independent
Rubbish has a new nemesis: PlasticBusters!
March 2020
3FM News
New Group Introduces Plastic Pickup Challenge
March 2020
Manx Radio News
PlasticBusters Announces New March Campaign
March 2020
Manx Radio Interview
PlasticBusters Tackles the Island’s Roads
February 2020
3 FM News
Who You Gonna Call? …PlasticBusters
February 2020
UNESCO Biosphere Newsletter
PlasticBusters on Patrol
February 2020
The fifth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5), held in Busan, Korea, brought over 3,300 participants to tackle plastic pollution. While progress was made, debates over binding measures and transparency highlighted deep divisions. Advocacy groups demand stronger commitments as the world waits for the next session to shape a transformative treaty.