AdoptTheWorld global initiative launched!
Are you still considering, or maybe rethinking, your New Year resolutions? We all know that these are often made just to be broken within the first few weeks or months of the new year. Some may also prove difficult to keep considering restrictions due to the pandemic.
At PlasticBusters we are concerned about the amount of litter and plastic pollution in our environment and strongly believe that the best way of tackling the problem is not only by proactively changing our behaviours but also by doing our best to eradicate it.
This starts with all of us taking ownership of the issue and doing our bit to keep those areas that are close to us litter-free.
Would you like to join our challenge in support of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030)? Whether you are an individual, a family or an organisation, PlasticBusters would like to invite you to do your bit for the environment by joining an initiative to adopt a place of your choice and pledge to do your best to keep it litter-free of items that could harm our habitat. It could be the street where you live, or part of it, your favourite park or glen, the beach where you take your dog for a walk, the path where you run in the evening, or a combination of these. It's entirely up to you.
Anyone committed to actively tackling litter can take part and volunteer to get involved and care for our unique UNESCO Biosphere nation – and encourage a sense of civic pride too, as volunteering for this initiative will help to complement and enhance the cleansing and grounds maintenance work of our local authorities.
All it requires is for you to keep an eye on your adopted place, collect from time to time (at least once a quarter) the litter you may find, and that you appropriately separate and bin what you collect.
As the pandemic continues to strike nearly every corner of the world, limiting the possibility of participating in group clean-up activities, this is a great opportunity to support the environment on an individual basis. An easy activity you, your kids or colleagues can do when going out for your daily exercise!
Since we launched the initiative at the end of December, over 100 places have been already adopted in 16 countries, both in Europe (Isle of Man, UK, France) and further abroad (India, Philippines, Maldives, South Africa, Uruguay, USA…)!
(Latest Update: As of 5 May, 1,572 places adopted in 87 countries… and growing fast!)
Thanks so much to all the volunteers that have signed up so far for their support and for their courage to make this resolution. The more volunteers we have, the greater impact we can make!
Those who sign up, either individually or as a business / organisation will receive a personalised certificate.
So, which place will you be adopting? Please click below and let us know!
Please ensure you follow your local council/government’s current COVID-19, as well as health & safety guidance, when out litter picking.