Over 350 Volunteers Join PlasticBusters' #marchis3popmonth Global Challenge!

In March, PlasticBusters challenged its followers to pick up 3 pieces of plastic every day to do their bit for the environment. Over 350 PlasticBusters around the world signed up for the challenge, collecting tens of thousands of pieces of plastic, …

In March, PlasticBusters challenged its followers to pick up 3 pieces of plastic every day to do their bit for the environment. Over 350 PlasticBusters around the world signed up for the challenge, collecting tens of thousands of pieces of plastic, as well as other non-biodegradable waste, during the month of March. The participants have been taking pictures of their ‘3 Pieces of Plastic’ and sharing them in PlasticBusters’ Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram pages using the hashtag #marchis3popmonth.

Every participant received a personalised certificate during the month of April.


PlasticBusters launches 'Pick 19 for COVID' Campaign. Are you up for the challenge?


Another record-breaking weekend for PlasticBusters!