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PlasticBusters joins forces with The Institute of Directors

PlasticBusters teamed up with the Isle of Man branch of The Institute of Directors, as well as local Eyesea representatives, to clean up a very large green area of Douglas (Lheannag Park, Harcroft Meadow, Anagh Coar Road…) where 33 volunteers managed to collect over 320 pounds (145kg) of litter, including plastic waste, bottles, cans, crisp & sweet wrappers and, as always, some unusual finds… a microwave, car batteries, bikes, scooters, a little tyke car, wheels, and even a pretty new bike helmet! And all this during a one-and-a-half-hour activity.

We would like to thank the troop of volunteers that came together to clean up the area and support the preservation of our beautiful Island's biosphere, as well as to the Ravenscroft Group for sponsoring the event and sending Lucy and her Barista Express to warm us up and supply treats!

The day before the event, a group of volunteers gathered to picture and log the litter around the area with the help of the Eyesea App. Well over 1,000 image and data points of rubbish were collected on the App, which gave our volunteers the opportunity of having quality information, in advance, about the waste that they were to encounter during the litter picking event, allowing them to focus their efforts in those areas that needed most attention. We highly recommend the use of this app to our volunteers globally!.

With this, the Isle of Man team has now carried out over 50 group clean-up activities locally to preserve the ecosystems of this unique UNESCO Biosphere nation, where we have so far collected more that 7,000 pounds of litter…. And this is only counting our organised group activities, as our local PlasticBusters continue working hard on their own looking after their adopted places (

We can’t wait for our next activity…

Would you like to volunteer with us? Please join here our Facebook page.

Note: All materials collected in our activities are properly separated, logged, and taken to a nearby amenity site for disposal/recycling or handed over for collection to the local council.

Photos by the wonderful Lina Kovacheva!